Are you using middle school math games
to keep the attention of your students?
Perhaps, you’re simply looking for different ways to motivate your students? Whatever your reason was for searching out different math ideas, Middle School Math Games in the Classroom is a great way to achieve this and your students will really appreciate them as well.
I have been using Math games for years and I truly see the value of Middle School Math Games not only from a student prospective but also from a teachers.
Teachers are required to gather evidence of learning and mastery, and Middle School Math Games allows for a certain flexibility for the teacher to check in on some students while the rest of the class is engaged in an authentic learning situation.
Middle School Math Games, in my opinion, are the perfect compliment to your math lesson plan as it is a fun way for your students to practice their math skills.
While students are playing and engaged in these games, it allows me the flexibility to observe some of their strategies and ask questions in order to informally interview students about the knowledge of a concept.
I designed this fun Middle School Math Game for my grade 7 students rather then using some boring worksheet to practice adding and subtracting positive and negative integers and it was a huge hit.
Kids in my class were actively engaged and interacting with each other. I was able to spot students who were struggling with the concept right away and was able to assist them.
Students were motivated to correct their errors because they were invested in winning the game, and do to so, they had to understand how to add or subtract the integers.
In her article “Why play Math games?” Kitty Rutherford talks about the benefits of playing math games in the classroom. She explains how playing games encourages mathematical thinking and problem solving skills.
Middle School Math Games, provide an opportunity to practice and apply skills beyond the worksheet – drill model.
If you’re interested in using math games in your classroom, please feel free to check out my latest Middle School Math Game: Operation Integers, please click middle school math game.
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